Vietnamese Magic Mushroom


Vietnamese Magic Mushroom is a vintage strain that originated around the time Psilocybe Cubensis was first discovered in Cuba (Earle, 1906). In 1907, French pharmacist and mycologist Narcisse Patouillard first discovered the Vietnamese strain under the name Naematoloma Caerulescens, which is now interchangeable with P. Cubensis. In Tonkin (Hanoi), North Vietnam, the first specimen was found.

Expect a highly traditional magic mushroom experience similar to Cuban and Golden Teachers since this is an extremely old strain that has come to define what a Psilocybe Cubensis is in the present era. This strain of mushrooms is renowned for having a harmonious blend of spiritual and aesthetic effects. Golden crowns and medium to big sizes are characteristics of Vietnamese mushrooms.

Vietnamese Magic Mushroom
Vietnamese Magic Mushroom